
RiboZones presents (current version 1.15) of RiboVision. RiboVision is a modern open-source ribosome-information viewer website. It is designed for easy visual analysis. It is powered by a backend of pre-computed data, such as domain and helix definitions, proteins contacts, base pairing, sequence conservation, etc. Additionally, you may visualize your own data. If you can get your data into our easy format, you can visualize it.

This is version 1.15. RiboVision will be updated periodically. Version 1.2 is under active development. Please provide us with feedback.

RiboVision is published in Faraday Discussions: 169, 2014.

Bernier, CR, et al. (2014) RiboVision suite for visualization and analysis of ribosomes. Faraday Discussions: 169 2014(111):195-207. [Citation Manager]

You can download it from the journal or direct pdf.

RiboVision is located at http://apollo.chemistry.gatech.edu/RiboVision/index.html.

Source code is licensed under the MIT license , and is available on GitHub.

Our YouTube Channel contains video documentation.